Sunday 9 September 2012

Back to the Grindstone

After a longish gap for reflection and battery charging, I'm just about ready to get writing again.  I think many years of meaning to write and not quite getting round to it is a hard habit to break and it's one of the reasons why I enjoyed my OU course so much.  There's nothing like a looming deadline to concentrate the mind - especially when you've paid good money to have someone hassle you.  I'm just beginning to see some results though, small but positive nonetheless.  This week I was told that a story I submitted to a flash fiction website months ago is going to be published in an anthology available on Amazon.  It's a teeny wee story and the sales of the anthology will probably be immeasurably small, but it's a publication all the same!

I also heard this week (why everything at once?) that my poem 'Wise Wirds' is going to be included in a poetry anthology published by Fife Book Fest.  Again, a prospect of tiny sales but a publication.

I've signed up for the next level of Creative Writing and just had a look at the volume of work they're expecting to see.  It's quite daunting.  It's also exciting though and takes me in some different directions.  Watch this space for news of how I get on with more short stories, longer poems and a plunge into the world of script-writing.


  1. "the sales of the anthology will probably be immeasurably small"

    Oh ye of little faith, Karen :)

    I would never have created the anthology if I didn't intend it to reach a big market. I'm doing the marketing and when that kicks in sales will increase and your name/story will receive more exposure. We need positive energy behind it all though.

    'Clearing' is an excellent piece of work. Have you written any more flash fiction? I hope so.
    Come on Karen, it's all in your hands, make your writing work for you. Write from the heart and get it out there. Preferably with Flash Fiction World :)

    Take care.

    Vic - editor FFW

    1. No offence intended Vic, I'm Scottish and have a natural self-deprecating streak that makes it hard for me to 'blow my own trumpet'. I'll do my best to overcome it and I genuinely do hope the anthology goes well. If I write any more flash fiction I'll put you top of my list! Thanks for the encouragement.
